Software Engineering

random thoughts

cmakepp: Expression Syntax

Discussion of an Alternative Syntax for CMake

Modern CMake Slides

I’ve held a Presentation about “modern CMake” at the C++ Meetup in Wiesbaden a week ago and wanted to share the slides with the Internet. I try to highlight the parts of a CMake project which I consider as modern (I guess there is room for interpretation here) I give a small introduction to CMake command line, script mode and then mostly about targets, scoping etc. Of course you cannot hear my voice but maybe the slides themselves can give you some insight.

cmakepp: Template Generation in CMake

Find it at Download cmakepp standalone file here As with all my work I appreciate all feedback given and am particularly happy about virtual internet points 🙂 To the Post: While working on the documentation of cmakepp I grew wary of always doubling the documentation – one in the source code and a mirror in the Also I was frustrated when I refactored and renamed functions or changed signatures which is not uncommon – especially when working on a new feature.

CMake and the Filesystem

Discussion of an Alternative Syntax for CMake

Useful extensions for CMake

Initial Draft of cmakepp

cmakepp: Reading and Writing JSON

While working on a package manager for CMake I came across the problem of finding a suitable format for my package descriptor files. First I thought about and tried using plain old CMake file that simply sets variables and can be included to access its contents. It was very quick and easy to implement. Hierarchical data structures however where hard to implement and a none standard format makes it harder to exchange data with a webservice/other programs.

Object Oriented CMake: Next Iteration

New Version of Cmakepp, old blogpost