Modern CMake Slides

Posted by toeb's Blog on Tuesday, August 30, 2016

I’ve held a Presentation about “modern CMake” at the C++ Meetup in Wiesbaden a week ago and wanted to share the slides with the Internet. I try to highlight the parts of a CMake project which I consider as modern (I guess there is room for interpretation here)

I give a small introduction to CMake command line, script mode and then mostly about targets, scoping etc. Of course you cannot hear my voice but maybe the slides themselves can give you some insight. There is also a small github repository added in which I added a few examples which I talk about in the slides. I plan to extend these CMake examples and add some documentation because CMake seems to be lacking small well configured projects from which C++ developers start (copy) from ;).

I hope you find the slides usefull, please comment on if you find mistakes or are missing aspects, suggestions about how I could extend the Talk or anything else. I will try to update the slides and might hold the talk again sometime or make a video.